Red, White & Bristol Block Party
The WXBQ Rabbit will be in downtown Bristol on Wednesday, August 15th from 5-7pm for the Red, White & Bristol Block Party! Come out and see us!!
Discover Bristol is excited to announce the inaugural Red, White & Bristol block party in partnership with Bristol TN, Bristol VA and Believe in Bristol in downtown Bristol on Wednesday, August 15. Bristol TN kindly moved their Sounds of Summer concert series to Wednesday night, so we’re excited to have Borderline, Wyldeheart and Shooter perform from 5 – 11 that evening on a stage at the intersection of State Street and Piedmont.
In addition, we’ll be hosting a cornhole tournament further down State Street, exclusively serving Bristol beer. The winner will receive an authentic, one-of-a-kind State Street brass marker trophy! Multiple restaurants along State Street will extend their service out onto the street with beer gardens for the evening.
For young and old alike, there will be yard games and kids’ activities along the 600 block of State Street with show cars and even Special Guest Appearances (stay tuned!)
Our businesses are ready with unique race souvenirs and specials to show off the best of what Bristol has to offer. This event showcases what our Bristol community does best: racing, music and partnering! It’s Bristol Baby!