Sullivan County BOE approves resolution requesting property purchase near West Ridge High School
The Sullivan County Board of Education is requesting funding to purchase property in an effort to increase access to the soon to open West Ridge High School.
The board approved a resolution Tuesday night to send to the County Commission for purchasing eight acres of land of the Bishop Property at a cost of $300,000, a plan Board Chairman Randall Jones says could take care of multiple issues.
“The Bishop Property fronts Lynn Road, and in order to widen it, we actually need some of the Bishop Property, and the only way we can get this is to purchase the entire track. It would also take care of the drainage property that we have now where water is actually running across the road onto their property,” said Jones.
Jones tells Supertalk he has spoken with multiple commissioners who have expressed interested in sponsoring the resolution, which could possibly be apart of the agenda for the Sullivan County Commission meeting scheduled for later this month. If approved, the purchase would come out the school district’s fund balance.
Click below to read the full resolution: